

Harvey Golden brought several of his traditional Inuit kayaks
down from Portland.
| Harvey put on a couple of demonstrations of Eskimo rolling.
| Harvey paddles his kayak while upside down.



Harvey did several rolls without any paddle!
| The Killer Whales Rowing Club was getting a lot of
use out of the 6-Hour Canoe Small Fry.
| Apparently inspired by Harvey Golden, this lad
tries to Eskimo roll Small Fry! He only got this far.



Local brothers Pogo and Lars Robison are restoring the 1941 salmon
troller Gail.
| Depoe Bay was celebrating the 50th anniversary of the reopening of the
harbor after it was dredged and the entrance blasted to widen it a bit. These youngsters sang
some songs for the occasion.
| After 60 years of carrying fishermen and whale watchers the charter
boat Kingfisher is being put out to pasture doing eco-tours in Yaquina Bay.
Kingfisher was the first boat built for charter fishing out of Depoe Bay and is
a "national historic place".