

Scott Malvitch of Newport built his Banks dory the old-fashioned way.
| Scott gets acquainted with a cabezon.
| Paul Mosier of Lincoln City's 11' 2" Shellback Dinghy Babe.



Mike McKay of Albany built the electric 6-Hour Canoe Whisper.
| Bruce Heys of Corvallis brought his 18' Ian Oughtred designed Fulmar daysailer.
| Jerry Kruger of Portland's Penguin one-design racer Ziggy.



The Festival grounds from the Saturday evening reception at Gracie's Sea Hag Inn.
| Jack Ehrlich and Jerry Kruger of Portland's restored 1958 14' Reinell.
| Jim Cooper of Albany's Nutshell Pram Brianna, Dick Mitsch of Lebanon's stretched Yankee Tender Orca and Paul Mosier of Lincoln City's Shellback Dinghy Babe.