The Amel Yacht Owners Discussion Group (For owners of yachts built by Chantiers Amel in La Rochelle, France: Kirk, Meltem, Fango, L'Euros, Mango, Maramu, Sharki, Santorin and Super Maramu)
The Bates Star Craft Owners Club (Classic wooden motor cruisers built by William Bates & Son in their boatyard at Chertsey on the River Thames between 1946 and 1975)
The Sandy Hook Pilots Association (Serving the Port of New York/New Jersey, Hudson River, East River, Atlantic City, Jamaica Bay, and Long Island Sound)
Kevin Hendrickson Music (Pirate core news, lyrics, recordings, and merchandise, Portland, Oregon)
The Laffite Society (A not-for-profit historical organization which focuses on the life and times of the early 19th century privateer/smuggler Jean Laffite, Galveston, Texas)
Hooked on Wooden Boats (A weekly podcast "celebrating the art, craft, history, and tradition of wooden boats")
The Ship Report (Columbia River ship traffic, podcasts about all things maritime with Joanne Rideout, interviews with mariners and other nautical folk)
Adani Ports (Thirteen ports in Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Odisha, India)