Dick's Riverboat Gallery (Photos of riverboats on the Mississippi, Ohio, and other US Rivers, Richard E. (Dick) Dunbar, Proprietor)
The Elliott Bay Steam Launch Company (Technically and historically correct hulls, engines, boilers, propellers, and accessories from the 1870s-1900 era)
Rivermen & Riverboats (About Captain Cornelius McGee who worked for the Streckfus Steamboat Lines out of St. Louis along with information about other river people as well, also lots of steamboat photos)
Steamboats.org ("Steamboating the rivers," news, pictures, more)
Steam & Engine of Australia (Information on steam engines, internal combustion engines, model engineering, restoration, history, club listings, events and more)
FXModels (A custom shop that specializes in all things subsurface, which includes submarines, submersibles, sunken ships, special projects, offshore industry and more, R/C submarine kits)
On Eternal Patrol (Honoring the men of the US Submarine Force by attempting to put faces to as many of the names on the lists of lost submariners as possible)
SubmarineMuseums.org ("These are the submarines in your neighborhood," a directory of museum submarines in the US)
The Submarine Quartermaster Page (A site for and about Navy quartermasters, not specifically submarine quartermasters, "there seems to be a dearth of QM pages that are not about Army quartermasters, and I intend to help correct this")
IAMSA Group Inc. (An independent group of world wide companies providing vessel surveys, on/off hire vessel surveys, cargo surveying and shipping consultancy)
Innomare Marine Surveying & Engineering (Specializes in newbuilding surveys of mega-yachts under construction in the Netherlands, also surveys of commercial vessels)
Ward & McKenzie (Yacht Consultants) Ltd. (A group of yacht surveyors specializing in private craft with offices in the UK, Mallorca, Holland, Turkey, Italy, Portugal and the Canary Islands)