

Darol Ingalls from Ridgefield, Washington built the glued lapstrake peapod Tickity Boo.
| Tickity Boo acted as the royal barge for self-appointed Festival Queen Darrell Pepper.
| Darol Ingalls also built this beautiful little lapstrake rowboat.



Doug and Jean Cottel of Eugene had this 18' Partelow...
| Whitehall boat built in Port Townsend by Ray Speck.
| Bryn Thoms takes his family for a row in Scott Malvich's banks dory.



Scott and his girlfriend join Bryn in one of the Killer Whales Rowing Club's light dories.
| Scott Marble takes me for a row in my own skiff, Pickle.
| The entrance to the harbor. The seas were too rough all weekend for the Coast Guard to let any
of us small boaters out.